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A Proven Record

Tim Scott Works for Americans

Throughout his years in public service, Senator Tim Scott has led the fight for legislation that he believes will put America on the right path forward. From education to Opportunity Zones, read more about Senator Scott’s work to create a brighter future for all Americans.   

Scott Introduces Bill to Protect Parental Rights, Keep Parents Informed

Senator Scott introduced the Parental Rights Over the Education and Care of Their (PROTECT) Kids Act, to empower parents by preventing schools from concealing information about students’ gender.

“Schools exist to educate children — not indoctrinate them. And a quality education requires input from those who know children best: their parents,” said Sen. Scott. “Sadly, radical and secretive gender policies have shut parents out of the conversation and broken their trust. My bill will safeguard parental rights, improve the crucial relationship between parents and schools, and ensure that children can learn in an environment free from activist ideology.”

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Senator Scott Introduces Bill to Empower Parents in Combatting the learning loss crisis

In August 2022, Senator Scott introduced the Raising Expectations with Child Opportunity Vouchers for Educational Recovery (RECOVER) Act to give parents the resources they need to help their children recover from the learning loss crisis facing today’s students.

As of May, states and school districts had yet to spend 93% of the education funding allocated to them under the Democrats’ spending bill. Senator Scott’s legislation would allow states and school districts to use those unspent funds to issue Child Opportunity Scholarships directly to parents. These scholarships, targeted for low-income families, could be put towards educational opportunities, including:

  • Tutoring services;
  • Private school tuition;
  • Books and other curriculum materials;
  • Testing fees; and
  • Educational therapies for children with disabilities.
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Senators Scott, Rubio, Colleagues Introduce Lifting Local Communities Act

In August 2022, Senator Scott joined Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and several of his colleagues in introducing the Lifting Local Communities Act. Faith-based organizations are some of our nation’s best social service providers, but they often face unjust barriers and uncertainty when applying to administer federally-funded services in their communities. This legislation would make it easier for faith-based organizations to apply for, and receive, government grants and other types of funding without fear of arbitrary religious limitations and vindictive litigation.

Senator Scott introduces the Opportunity Zones Transparency, Extension, and Improvement Act

Senator Scott introduced a bipartisan bill to expand and improve his signature legislation: Opportunity Zones. The legislation, which first passed as a part of the 2017 tax cuts, incentivizes investment of unrealized capital gains into high-impact projects in high-need, underserved communities. His bill would make Opportunity Zones stronger by:

  • Reinstating and expanding the reporting requirements;
  • Ending Opportunity Zones that are no longer impoverished;
  • Creating pathways for smaller-dollar impact investments;
  • Providing operating support and technical assistance to high-poverty and underserved communities with flexible grants; and
  • Extending the program for two years in order to facilitate continued investment.

Senator Scott’s Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act Signed Into Law

In March of 2022, the president signed Senator Scott’s anti-lynching legislation, which puts into law a clear message that we should never tolerate violence against our fellow Americans.

“For the last four years, I’ve worked hard with my friends across the aisle on anti-lynching legislation — legislation that has failed in Congress an astounding 200 times,” said Senator Scott. “After a century of unsuccessful attempts, we finally did the right thing in passing the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act — not on behalf of Republicans or Democrats, but on behalf of all Americans. I’m proud to have played a part in passing this historic bill and making clear that we should never tolerate violence and hatred spread by those with evil in their hearts.”

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